The Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment Ministry has launched the campaign “Water gives us life. Let’s take care of it “to make the population aware of the need to save water, making the best possible use of this scarce and valuable resource.

The situation of our water reserves remains worrying despite recent rainfalls, we still need to be vigilant. The last hydrological year, between 1st October 2016 and 30th September 2017, has been according to AEMET the 8th driest since 1981. During the current hydrological year, the accumulated rainfall from 1st October to 31st December were 43% lower than the normal values from this period. In terms of natural years (January-December), 2017 has closed as the second driest since 1965. And we must also take into account that some Spain areas face the fifth consecutive year of drought.

Actions to tackle drought

The planning carried out during the last years has allowed to avoid restrictions and bad conditions to the population. The Drought Plans, approved in 2007, and that are currently under review, have established protocols, based on prediction, to lead the Administration actions in the management of these situations. It is about minimizing the environmental, economic and social impact of drought phenomena, answering them with transparency and planning.

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